Van der Sande positive 18/12/2018 Positive test ID 1278
Van der Sande tested positive on an unconfirmed date during the Gent Six-Day race. The rider had used a substance that was allowed provided that it was declared at the time of the test but he had failed to do so.
Teams and people
- Tosh Van der Sande returns positive test at Gent Six Day,, 19/12/2018
- Cykelrytter testet positiv for doping, BT, 19/12/2018
- Lotto Soudal schorst Tosh Van der Sande na positieve dopingtest op Zesdaagse van Gent, De Standaard, 19/12/2018
- Tosh Van der Sande geschorst door Lotto-Soudal na positieve dopingtest tijdens Zesdaagse Gent, Het Laatste Nieuws, 19/12/2018
- Le Belge Tosh Van der Sande (Lotto-Soudal) contrôlé positif, L'Equipe, 19/12/2018
- Tosh Van der Sande da positivo en los Seis Días de Gante, Marca, 19/12/2018