Rebellin investigation 30/04/2009 Investigation ID 1203
Following the announcement of a positive test and the appearance of a video in which Rebellin allegedly received banned substances, the rider's home was searched along with those of two doctors associated with him. No charges were brought.
Teams and people
- Gerolsteiner
- LazzaroEnrico Doctor
- PeruzziGiuliano Doctor
- RebellinDavide Rider
- Quando Rebellin chiedeva l'Epo Due filmati del 2001 lo accusano, La Repubblica, 30/04/2009
- Davide Rebellin bestelde al in 2001 epo, Het Laatste Nieuws, 30/04/2009
- Rebellin, perquisiti i suoceri, La Gazzetta dello Sport, 30/04/2009
- Perquisito il medico di Rebellin, Corriere della Sera, 08/05/2009