
Gewiss - Ballan 1994 - 1995 Italy ID 143

People From To As
Berzin Evgeni 1994 1995 Rider
Bobrik Vladislav 1994 1995 Rider
Bombini Emanuele 1994 1995 Manager
Bontempi Guido 1994 1995 Rider
Brignoli Ermanno 1994 1995 Rider
Casoni Ilario 1994 1995 Doctor
Cenghialta Bruno 1994 1995 Rider
Conconi Francesco 1994 1995 Doctor
Frattini Francesco 1994 1995 Rider
Furlan Giorgio 1994 1995 Rider
Ganzerli Paolo 1994 1995 Soigneur
Gotti Ivan 1995 1995 Rider
Minali Nicola 1994 1995 Rider
Miozzo Flavio 1994 1995 Directeur sportif
Odriozola Jon 1995 1995 Rider
Riis Bjarne 1994 1995 Rider
Santaromita Mauro Antonio 1995 1995 Rider
Ugrumov Piotr 1994 1995 Rider
Volpi Alberto 1994 1995 Rider
Zaina Enrico 1994 1994 Rider
Zanini Stefano 1995 1995 Rider
Incidents Type Date
Gewiss haematocrit levels Investigation 24/05/1995
Ferrara acquittals 2 Hearing evidence 19/11/2003
Ferrara moral judgment 3 Investigation 11/03/2004
Ferrara moral judgment 2 Investigation 11/03/2004



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